Saturday, July 26, 2008

How to Find a Commodity Futures Broker

Are you interested in futures investing? If you are, you will want to get into futures trading, as it a great way to make money with the trading of commodities. If you are interested in trading futures, it is advised that you use the services of a commodity futures broker, particularly if you consider yourself to be an inexperienced trader. Doing business with a commodity futures broker can give you peace of mind, as many can assist you along every step of the way.

If you don’t already have a commodity futures broker that you would like to do business with, you will need to find one. When finding a commodity futures broker to do business with, you will find that you have a number of different options. A few of the many ways that you can go about finding a commodity futures broker are outlined below.

When it comes to finding a commodity futures broker, there are many individuals, particularly beginners, who turn to their local phone book. In the business directory of your phone book, you may be able to find the business listings for a few commodity future brokers. In all honesty, the number of local brokers available will all depend on the size of your city. What you may not realize, especially if you are a beginner, is that you don’t necessarily have to do business with a local commodity futures broker. In fact, you may even find it better to do business with a commodity futures broker that operates on a national level.

Another way that you can go about finding a commodity futures broker is by using the internet. When using the internet, you have the ability to use online phone books, online business directories, or standard internet searches. While all of these three approaches will give you results, you may want to perform a standard internet search, as it likely to return more results. Speaking of results, those results may include the online websites for commodity futures brokers.

The above mentioned approaches can be used to find a commodity futures broker, but you want to do more than just find a broker, you will want to choose one. If you are a beginner, the commodity futures broker that you choose to do business with may have huge impact on your futures trading success. That is why it is advised that you thoroughly research and examine all of commodity futures brokers that you come across. You will want to work with a broker that has an outstanding record, knowledge and training, as well as good customer service skills.

In short, there are a number of different ways that you can go about finding a commodity futures broker. When it comes time to choose a commodity futures broker, you will want to choose the broker who best fits your needs or your expectations.

Ulysses Faust is a writer for where you can find accurate information about a Commodity Futures Broker and other related information.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mortgage Brokers and Loan Officers

Are you looking for a new career? You may want to think about becoming a mortgage broker or loan officer, or sell useful training material for brokers and loan officers.

If you type Mortgage Broker or Loan Officer in your search engine, you will find links to thousands and thousands of websites. This is because Mortgage Brokers and Loan Officers provide a much needed service to the public. They take applications for mortgage loans from potential homebuyers, and help the buyers find the right loan. If you ever applied for a mortgage loan for the purchase of a home, you worked with a broker or loan officer.

A mortgage broker works on his/her own bringing a borrower and lender together for the purpose of a mortgage loan. Brokers are quite often real estate agents in addition to working as a mortgage broker. According to the Mortgage Bankers Association of America, there are approximately 40,000 mortgage brokers in the U.S.

The mortgage loan officer is an employee of a mortgage company, bank, or other mortgage lending institution. The U.S. Department of Labor reports that mortgage loan officers earned between $30,000 and $100,000 in 2005. However, highly motivated loan officers earn much more.

There should be no shortage of business for mortgage brokers and loan officers as numerous real estate properties are bought and sold every day in the U.S. The mortgage broker, loan officer field is a lucrative, well respected field that thousands of people are in now or want to start. There are also brokers and loan officers who are interested in enhancing their present business and knowledge.

You can sell well respected items that really do sell and get paid up to 50% in commissions. Mortgage Broker Training provides banners and text links to make it easy for you. Click below to take a look at some of the products.

Linda worked in the mortgage industry for several years and now manages her websites at: and

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Role Of Business Brokers In Selling A Business

Role of business brokers in selling a business is more important than buying a business. However, there are people who do not understand the importance of the role of business brokers when they decide to sell their business. Irony is that some people are happy with giving more time to the selection of a coffee machine rather than to choosing the right business broker. This is a big mistake on their part and can result in not only the loss of money and time but also sometimes resulting in inability to find any buyers.

Here are some points to consider when you choose the business broker for selling your business. However, it is not possible to get a broker who has all the qualifications yet you must look for experience, knowledge, reliability and compatibility with you.

Reliability is essential because the role of business broker in selling a business is very important. How can you judge whether a particular business is reliable or not? The best method is to contact the references given by the business broker. They are in the best position to tell about how the business broker performed the deal. Ask them whether they are satisfied with the role of business broker or not. Also, make sure that the business broker you are going to hire has the capability of taking the transaction to the end and can follow up.

These references can also give you indications regarding the price they got for selling their business. Could they get the price they were expecting? Also, ask them about the consistency of the business broker with the plan charted out in beginning. They can also tell about the level of knowledge the broker has and his capability of providing the right advice. One very important question that you can ask is if need be would they like to hire the same broker again or not. The answer to this question can help you in taking decision quickly regarding hiring the business broker for selling the business.

If the business broker you are going to hire for selling the business belongs to the association of brokers then this is a point in his favor adding to his reliability. This is because the Associations such as International Business Brokers Association apply very strict ethical rules. Similarly, you can gauge the level of the knowledge by asking some questions. The business broker should not only have completed formal education to perform his job perfectly, but also need to keep himself informed about the changes in the particular industry.

Finally, a tip regarding experience of the business broker you are going to hire. If the business broker has ever owned a business then he is a better choice than the others who never run any business.

Alexander Gordon is a writer for - The Small Business Consulting Community. Sign-up for the free success steps newsletter and get our booklet valued at $24.95 for free as a special bonus. The newsletter provides daily strategies on starting and significantly growing a business.

Business Owners all across the country are joining "The Community of Small Business Owners” to receive and provide strategies, insight, tips, support and more on starting, managing, growing, and selling their businesses. As a member, you will have access to true Millionaire Business Owners who will provide strategies and tips from their real-life experiences.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Should You Refinance Your Mortgage Using a Mortgage Broker?

Mortgage brokers are independent agents that match homeowners with mortgage lenders. Typically paid by commission these brokers work with mortgage lenders to sell loans. Like any other salesperson mortgage brokers do not necessarily have your best interests at heart; they are in the business simply to make a buck. Because of this you may encounter brokers that push loans using high pressure sales tactics. Mortgage brokers are a dime a dozen so don’t fall for slick sales tactics or pressured sales tactics.

Good mortgage brokers have extensive connections in the mortgage industry. This is extremely helpful if you are trying to find a mortgage with a poor credit rating. Your mortgage broker can find a variety of lenders that specialize in subprime mortgages to help with your poor credit rating. If you have good credit, brokers can offer a variety of loan packages for your circumstances as well.
Should you rely solely on a mortgage broker? Probably not, look at a broker as one more source for your mortgage search. You shop from a variety of lenders and brokers to ensure you will find the best deal for your mortgage. If you don’t have the time to devote to researching mortgages lenders a broker can do the legwork for you; however, you will accepting the brokers word that the loan you accept is the best one for you.

The first thing you need to ask your mortgage broker is what their fee is and who pays it. By shopping from a variety of brokers and lenders you will be able to gauge what the going rate for a mortgage broker’s services is. By shopping from a variety of brokers and asking for references you can find an honest mortgage broker.

Louie Latour has twenty years of experience in the mortgage industry as a mortgage broker. He is the owner of Mortgages for Dummies, a mortgage help site devoted to saving homeowners money with a free guidebook “Five Things You Need to Know Before Refinancing a Mortgage.” Sign up for your free mortgage guide today at:

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cheap Car Insurance Broker

When you are looking for a cheap car insurance broker, consider shopping online. There are several benefits to shopping online for anything, and those benefits do not stop when it comes to shopping online for a cheap car insurance broker.

Shopping for a cheap car insurance broker online…

…pretty much ensures that you will get a quick response. Conducting business online is almost always much speedier than conducting business in person or even over the telephone. Of course, after the initial online contact you may feel more comfortable speaking with the cheap car insurance broker over the telephone or in person, which is perfectly fine. Just give him a call; by this time you will be well on your way to getting a cheap car insurance policy.

…allows you to get rates from several different cheap car insurance brokers in the same time – or in less time – than it would take you to get a rate from one cheap car insurance broker. We know how important it is to shop around when we are looking for a cheap car insurance broker. Shopping around online is much quicker than calling or visiting several different cheap car insurance brokers. You may end up spending an entire Saturday doing what you could do in an hour online.

…makes it possible to do some quick, and thorough, research about the various cheap car insurance brokers with whom you are considering doing business. You can read up on the car insurance company’s rating from any independent rating company while you chat with your friend about any experiences he or she has had with the cheap car insurance broker in question.

Consider shopping online the next time you are in the market for a cheap car insurance broker. Your search will be much quicker, more widespread, and even more thorough than if you shopped by calling or visiting each cheap car insurance broker on your list.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

10 Heavy Duty Online Sales Grabbers

1. Give your prospects extra incentives so they will
order quicker. It could be free shipping, a faster
shipping option, free gift wrapping, etc.

2. Make your small business look big on the world
wide web. Design your web site using professional
graphics, ordering systems, organized layouts, etc.

3. Attract a lot more customers by giving them clear
ordering instructions. Give them all the information
they need so they can complete their order easily.

4. Give your customers buying incentives so they'll
make repeat purchases. Offer them discounts, free
gifts, bonus points, etc.

5. Tell people about your site whenever you get a
chance. Those people will tell other people and so
on. It's a cheap way to multiply your advertising.

6. Write and send press releases for your web site.
Use a strong headlines, make it newsworthy, and
tell the journalist why their readers would like it.

7. Use a lot of headlines on your web site and ezine.
Some types of headlines are free offers, questions,
problem solvers, sales, and statistics.

8. Design graphics, templates, buttons and banner
ads for other sites. Allow people to use them in
exchange for your web link on their home page.

9. Use time saving promotional software. You can
automate your search engine submissions, posting
to online classified sites, etc.

10. Advertise your online business by dressing in
clothes that are imprinted with your ad. It could be
a T-shirt, ball cap, coat, etc.